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How to do Seo For Your Website

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작성자 Gilberto
댓글 0건 조회 28회 작성일 25-02-02 16:28


It is vital to do WordPress SEO Backlinks of your site if you really want to promote your website. The following tips will get you more traffic to your website. SEO is all about back links. The more you have back links the more you receive traffic, the more will be PR and the more will be rankings in search engines.

1. Submit your site to Google.

Go to google.com and search for "submit url Google". Click on the first link you will get in the search result and submit your website link. It is the first and primary step of doing SEO. Or you can also submit your site by signing in at Google webmaster tool and there you have the option of adding your website.

2. Submit your sitemap to Google.

You have already signed into Google webmaster tool in the step 1. Sign into it and submit your sitemap .There are many merits of using Google Webmaster tool. It also tells how Google bots crawl your website as well as your website rankings for the particular keywords.

3. Submit your site to Yahoo

Yahoo is in top 3 search engine rankings. So it is always recommended to submit your website to at least top 10 search engine websites manually. Go to yahoo.com and there you will easily find the Submit Url option. Click on it and submit there.

4 .Submit your website to MSN

Go to MSN.com and submit your website. Msn is also considered as good search engine.

5. Submit your website to all the others web directories.

Once you submitted your website to top 10 search engine ,you will start getting visitors 15-20 per day. Submitting your sitemap is also important as tells the search engine how to crawl your website. Now it is time to submit your site to all the other directories wherever you find browsing the internet .

6.Start Building back links.

Now start building back links by commenting on other blogs and through article marketing.

I would consider article marketing as the best back link builder as it is easy to make as well as very effective too. There are hundreds of article directories where you can submit your article and make back links. The Best thing is you can submit the same article that you have published in your website . Some major article directories I would suggest is ezinearticles.com, goarticles.com etc.

This article is first published on Asvins tech and can be read from here. how to do SEO for your website


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